Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Final update from Honduras

Wednesday started off with a trip to the school for the blind to hold a clinic andpass out toys. We had a great time there and served about 40 students and 30 staffmembers. That brought our totals for the week to 798 patients and 2104prescriptions. Part of the group left the school to go and pass out food bags in adestitute part of town and they were well received by the inhabitants of the area.Tonight we are going up to the Hotel Maya for a surprise birthday party for Joel andan surprise "atta girl" party for Susan Osteen to congratulate her on passing herPraxis exam! After that it will be off to an indoor futbol stadium for friendly gamewith our Honduran brothers and sisters. Tomorrow morning we leace a little part ofus here and head back to the Estados Unitidos. Please pray for our safe travel.

The group is due to arrive at the Nashville airport at 11:00pm Thursday evening. The flight is always late.

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