Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Caring Cooks Ministry

The Caring Cooks Ministry is in need of help!  They are currently re-organizing and soliciting new volunteers to help out with this great ministry.  There is hardly a week that goes by in our church family when one of our own isn’t in the hospital or in need of a little TLC.  The Caring Cooks are organized into teams who are called upon when a member returns home from the hospital to provide a hot meal to them for a couple of days.  It is a wonderful ministry and a great opportunity to serve!  Consider it.


Many thanks to Connie Nedeau and to Shannon Alcorn for all of their work on this!




Fill out & return the volunteer form to the office or to your Bible Class…  http://www.washingtonstreetchurch.org/Downloads/Caring%20Cooks%20Contact%20Form%2012%20_2_.pdf


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