Monday, May 3, 2010

This week's bulletin

This week’s VOICE of Washington St is online now at,%202010.pdf


FYI- Important Announcement from a great ministry in Huntsville… the WAY:

“The Saving Way Thrift Store” is hosting a Buying & Selling Jewelry Party on the evening of Tuesday, May 4th, from 6:00 to 8:00. The owners of JEZELS JEWELS will be on hand with all new, hand-crafted inventory. Plus, a licensed and certified professional will be available to weigh, test, and BUY any old gold or silver jewelry. There will be refreshments and door prizes, as well as extended store hours at The Saving Way.

So – Come sell your old jewelry, buy some new, shop, and enjoy a great time! A portion of all proceeds will benefit The Way recovery program ( To sign up for The Way’s monthly electronic newsletter, click here - Stay Connected to The Way

Have a great week!



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