Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fw: Wednesday Announceents

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2009 1:17 PM
Subject: Wednesday Announceents

Richard Waggoner will  conduct the devotional at
the Donalson Care Center, Wednesday Night,
May 20th.
Buildings and Grounds clean-up day is scheduled
for Saturday, May 16th.
Our heartfelt sympathy is extended to Eric and
Jennifer Brown on the loss of their new born
daughter, Elizabeth Merritt Brown.  Graveside
services will be conducted Thursday in Cowan, TN.
Sympathy also the grandparents, Curtis and Faye
Martha D Smith remains in Lincoln Medical Center.
In St. Thomas we have Buddy Cook, father of Pam Cummins
In Vanderbilt is Bill Pyron, son-in-law of Skip and Martha Parkes
Dismissed from the hospital is Thelma Jordan, sister of Bill Jordan
and Jennifer Brown

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