Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Secretary's Day

Church, I just thought I would take a moment to let you know that tomorrow is Secretary’s Day (or Administrative Assistant’s Day if you prefer) and remind you that we have the absolute BEST secretary around, Mrs. Peggy Mitchell!  She’s been our church secretary for over 25 years and they just don’t come any better.  Here are just a few of the things she does for YOU…

  • Answers the phone
  • Lovingly & judiciously handles benevolent needs at the church building
  • Keeps the books
  • Pays the bills
  • Manages the payroll
  • Handles most of our purchasing needs
  • Engineers the ever-so-frustrating copy machine (and other office equipment)
  • Maintains the church “master calendar” and schedules activities & church events for our various ministries
  • Publishes the Sunday Program and assists Mrs. Ruth with the weekly bulletin, the VOICE of Washington Street
  • Gathers information from a multitude of different sources to be published
  • Maintains & updates the church’s prayer needs
  • Keeps confidential information confidential
  • Constantly checks in with home-bound or sick church members & encourages them
  • Puts up with the ministers, Elders & deacons who are constantly asking her for something  (probably the toughest part of her job!)
  • Maintains church records & files
  • Assists me in Share Group administrative duties (tracking attendance, making copies of discussion sheets, etc.)
  • Filters the “sales calls” for me in the office, so I can talk to people I actually want to talk to when they call me
  • Looks after members who are in the hospital with a call, a card or flowers
  • Comes to the office every day with a servant heart, a joyful spirit and a Christ-like attitude.
  • Never seems to tire of her work!


These are just a few of the things off the top of my head!  I know that she does a lot more than even this.  I was just thinking… tomorrow being “Secretary’s Day” you might drop her an e-mail (please don’t run out and buy her something- she wouldn’t want that)… but I’m sure she would love to just hear from you.  Let her know how much she is appreciated.  The work of this church could not be done without someone like her stepping up and doing it.  Her address is pmitchell@fpunet.com


God bless & have a great day!


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