Thursday, November 10, 2016

How Life Should Change Now that the Election is Over

Church, we have made it.  After months (years!) of witnessing the wrangling and debating, posturing and pontificating… the election of 2016 is behind us.  It may go down as one of the most historical elections in our lifetimes and it will certainly go down as one of the most divisive.  Through it all I have been disappointed, discouraged and even disgusted at the rhetoric of the candidates and even more so at some of the “Christian” voices that I have heard.  What saddens me most are the conversations I have witnessed on social media between Christians who have drawn lines of friendship, even fellowship, over political disagreements.  Very often the language and vitriol present in their chosen words have done nothing more than fuel the fires of division.  Brothers and sisters, in the words of James, “This should not be!”  (cf. Js 3:10)

I am thankful today to be a part of a church family in which good-hearted men and women of faith from different political viewpoints can come together in fellowship and love.  I am thankful to know faithful Christians who went to the polls on Tuesday and cast their votes based upon their convictions on what they believed to be important, both Republican and Democrat… and maybe even some Independents out there!  (smile)  If this election has taught me anything, it has taught me that we can disagree over things, even important things, and still have mutual love and respect for one another.  It is not an easy thing, which is a lesson our country is struggling to understand right now.

For us, the body of Christ, it ought to be a reality we live out each and every day regardless of whether we are in a political season or not.  We do not have to all be alike to respect each other.  We do not have to agree on everything in order to love one another. In fact, THAT is our testimony to the world that we belong to Jesus!   (cf. John 13:35)

So, what changes?  Hopefully, nothing and maybe everything.  This election has reminded me that God is still on the throne and that was never up for a vote.  That fact will never change.  All the nations and governments of the world belong to Him and will one day stand before Him.  While proud of my country, my ultimate hope does not lie there.  While our country can do many things… many good things… it can do the most important thing.  THAT is OUR mission and our mission continues!

Our mission is to serve and share Christ wherever we can, with whomever we can.  The mission of God’s people is not to somehow persuade everybody to agree with us on the issues nor is it to capture as much political power as we can… it is to share the gospel of Christ.  The gospel convicts people.  The gospel changes people.  The gospel reconciles people.  The gospel offers a hope for a better life and a better world.  What better enterprise to be a part of than that?  For me, coming to that realization changes everything!  It changes the way I see the world.  It changes the way I see the lost.  It changes the way I view government and its leaders.   And it changes the way I view my responsibility and my mission to the world.  May it change us all in that regard! 

What are you doing to further the gospel and the cause of Christ in your world? 

May God bless us as we endeavor to do just that!

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