Monday, October 14, 2013

What's our "mission question"? #2

Last week I mentioned a business article that I read recently which made this statement… “Forget the mission statement, what’s our mission question?”  The author had interviewed CEOs of some of the country’s most successful businesses and said that asking the right questions is the key to having a successful business.  I wondered if that also applies to church.  The first question successful organizations must ask is, “Why are we here in the first place?”  I believe it is absolutely essential that a church always remember its primary reason for being.  We are the blood bought family of God paid for by Jesus Christ Himself and it is He who gave us the great commission to go into all the world and preach the good news.  What better reason is there than that?  The second question is one that we ought to quickly be able to answer as well.

#2  What does the world need most that we are uniquely able to provide?

Panera bread looked at the statistics regarding poverty and hunger and decided that they were in the unique position of being able to donate large quantities of fresh bread to people all over the world.  According to some statistics, they give away in excess of $100 million worth of food a year.  Further, they also determined that they were in the unique position of being able to provide more complete and dignified eating experiences for those in need.  So, they opened a “Panera Cares Café” which are essentially eat-for-free restaurants with the costs being covered from donations by customers and other benefactors.  What an interesting idea.

 Church, what does the world need most that we are uniquely able to provide?  The Bible is plain, “All have sinned and fallen short the glory of God.” (Rom. 3:23) and “The wages of [this] sin is death…” (Rom. 6:23).  So, the need… in fact the greatest need of anyone and everyone in the world is for salvation!  And we know the rest of that verse!  Romans 6:23 goes on to reveal… “BUT, the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  Who is in a better position to take that good news message of Jesus to a lost and dying world than we are?  We have given our lives to this Jesus.  We gather each Lord’s day to worship and praise Him.  We read our Bibles and we grow in Him.  We pray and earnestly seek after Him with our own lives.  We KNOW the joys of salvation!  We KNOW what it is to fear the Lord!  Aren’t WE in the perfect position to take this gospel we hold dear to a lost and dying world?  Of course we are!

What will it take?  When will the church become as committed to reaching the lost as it is to pleasing the saved?  When will its focus turn from satisfying its own needs to meeting the needs of those outside of Christ?  Perhaps there is something to be learned from Panera bread on this?  There is much need in our world.  What can we do to help?

Next week… question #3 we must ask ourselves.

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