Tuesday, April 17, 2012

FW: Health Fair at RCA this Friday

Our Health Fair will be held Friday in the gym. Please accept our invitation to view the health projects our middle and high school students have been working on to display. We  have some participants from our local health community that will be here. Also, our elementary students have been working on posters to display. You are invited to attend 9:00-2:30. We WILL break for lunch from 12:00-1:00.


FOR THE STUDENTS: For all parents interested- Dr. Sean Wallis will be performing scoliosis screenings during the health fair on students. If you are interested, the consent slips are going home with students today or tomorrow. The student MUST HAVE a consent slip in order to be screened. If you are interested, complete and sign the slip and return to school/office by Thursday. The procedure for screening is a simple examination of the child's back while standing and also bending forward. You will be notified if your child has symptoms that could indicate a curvature.


FOR PARENTS:  Lincoln County Health System will be here Friday to check blood pressures and oxygen saturation levels. They will also do a lipid panel (cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL (good cholesterol), and LDL (bad cholesterol)- for a charge of $10.00. This will require fasting (nothing to eat or drink after midnight prior to lab). Having the above routinely checked can help with the prevention of heart disease.


Look forward to seeing you there!! Email me with any questions you may have.


In His Service,

Amanda Hammell, LPN

RCA School Nurse

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