Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Wednesday Night Pasta  Fellowship Meal is scheduled for January
30th from 5 - 7 pm in the Fellowship Hall.  If you would like to
help with the meal, a sign-up sheet is posted on the Bulletin Board
across from Room 110.
We express our sympathy to the family of Homer Lee Horton,
brother-in-law of our Robbie Walker and uncle of our Jim Walker.
Graveside services were conducted today in Decherd.
Robbie Walker is in Lincoln Medical Center.
Virginia Cole, sister of Howard Gaines had back surgery today in
Centennial Medical Center, Nashville.
Prayer requests for Mary West who will have tests and possible surgery
Thursday in Huntsville.
The family of Grant Frame, 5 year old son of Kyle and Robin Frame requests
our prayers.  Grant has been diagnosed with a 2 cm tumor at the back of his brain.
The family attends Corders Cross Roads Church of Christ.

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