Friday, January 4, 2008


The Elders/Deacons/Ministers will meet Sunday at 3:00 PM.
The Sunday Night Service January 6th   at 5PM will consist of a Honduras
Presentation by Ricky Pierce.
There will be a Fellowship Meal in the Fellowship Hall immediately following
the presentation.  Bring you favorite Mexican Style Dish.
CARING COOKS MINISTRY is in need of Team Captains.  A team captain contacts
members of her team to prepare and deliver meals.  If you are interested in serving
in this way, please contact Allen or Shannon Alcorn.
Jean Eslick has pneumonia and  is in Lincoln Medical Center ICU.
Dallas and Doynea Williams are  now at  Sun Bridge Care and Rehab.
Mr. Dallas is in Room 115-A and Doynea is in Room 119.

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